Privacy statement


This is the privacy statement of La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast, registered in the Trade Register at the Chamber of Commerce under number 91090970 regarding the website

This privacy statement relates to the data processing by La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast by means of the contact or booking form via our website.

La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast respects the privacy of all customers and users of our website.

We ensure that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially. This privacy statement applies exclusively to the services of the La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast.

You should be aware that La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast is not responsible for the privacy policy of other sites, which can be reached via a link on our website. We recommend that you always consult the privacy statement and disclaimer of that other website when you access third-party websites via our website. You can see that you are no longer on our website if the URL has changed.

Processing of personal data

If you are interested in an overnight stay at La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast, we ask you to provide personal data. This data is stored in the customer system of La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast and used to communicate with you and to inform you, in response to your request.

Your personal data will not be used by La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast to inform you about La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast products and services.

In principle, your personal data will only be used by La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast. We do not provide your personal data to third parties without your permission, unless we are obliged to do so on the basis of the law or a court decision or if this is necessary for the implementation of an agreement between you and La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast.

You have the option at all times to view, change or delete your personal data. In that case you can contact us.

retention period

La Vita Veluwe Bed and Breakfast does not store your data longer than for the realization of the purposes for which they were collected and processed.


This privacy statement can be changed without prior notice in the event of changes in the business operations of La Vita VeluweBed and Breakfast. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy statement.