
Welcome to Bed & Breakfast La Vita Veluwe in Wapenveld.

To create a pleasant stay for you and the other guests, the following house rules apply at B&B La Vita Veluwe.


When making a reservation, the number of people who will be staying at B&B La Vita Veluwe must always be stated correctly.

Maximum occupancy of rooms

B&B La Vita Veluwe has one double room and one quadruple room.

The rooms are suitable for a maximum occupancy of 2 people in the double room and 4 people in the quadruple room. It is therefore not permitted to spend the night and/or stay overnight or to eat breakfast with more than the maximum number of persons per room. Upon consultation, a child (up to 2 years old) can sleep in your room in a child's bed.

If the maximum occupancy stated on the reservation form is violated, B&B La Vita Veluwe will charge 100% of the applicable overnight rate per violation, in addition to the accommodation costs already owed.


If you wish to receive guests, you must consult the host or hostess.

Checking in

Check-in generally takes place from 3:00 PM. A different time can be agreed in consultation with the hostess. Check-in is preferably done before 8:00 PM.

In any case, please indicate at least one day before arrival what time you expect to arrive and call the host or hostess on the day itself 30 minutes before arrival. The telephone number is +31 6 10316617. This ensures that someone is present and you do not have to wait unnecessarily. For example, you can also arrive earlier to put down your luggage and collect the key. To check in, please report to the front door of the B&B.

Checking out

Check-out is possible between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM on the day of departure. Depending on occupancy, the latest check-out time may be deviated from in consultation with (and after permission from) the host or hostess. After approval, an amount of € 10 will be charged per additional hour.

Key management

Upon arrival you will receive one key from the host or hostess intended for your stay. You must take care of closing the doors of your accommodation and turning off the lighting and air conditioning. When checking out, please return the key to the host or hostess.

Lose key

If you lose a key, B&B La Vita Veluwe will charge you €200.00 to replace all locks.


Your stay includes breakfast unless otherwise agreed. We provide a fresh breakfast with local products every morning. Breakfast is served in the room so that you can enjoy it in peace at any time. Breakfast is available on workdays from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM. During weekends and public holidays, breakfast is from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. These times can be deviated from in consultation.


For longer stays, interim cleaning can take place in consultation with the hostess. Including changing bed linen. The costs of this are included in the price unless other agreements have been made.

Guaranteeing hygiene

It is not allowed to sleep on the beds in the rooms without sheets and pillowcases.

In the event that non-removable stains occur in the mattress, duvet, bedspread and decorative pillows or towels during the overnight stay, B&B La Vita Veluwe will charge the customer for the resulting cleaning costs and/or costs to replace the materials.

Replacement of towels

To ensure that all our guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay, we would like to share an important house rule with you: We kindly request that all guests use the same towel for a minimum of two nights.

Why this rule? We strongly believe in sustainability and reducing our ecological footprint. By reusing your towel during your stay, you help us save water and reduce our impact on the environment. Moreover, it is also a small but important contribution to preserving our beautiful planet for future generations.

Of course, if you need extra towels or if your towel needs to be replaced for any reason, we are always here to help. We want to make sure that you feel at home during your stay with us and that all your needs are taken care of.


The prices include water, electricity, bed, bath and kitchen linen, use of coffee and tea, use of WiFi and parking on site at B&B La Vita Veluwe.

In the unlikely event that the services such as WiFi do not function or do not function properly during the stay at B&B La Vita Veluwe, this does not entitle the customer to a refund of all or part of the room rate owed. In the event of problems (within reasonable limits), the host will provide support in solving WiFi problems.

Washing clothes

In case of emergency, the hostess can do laundry in the washing machine or dry clothes in the B&B's dryer. An emergency could be:

  • A child has run out of clothes
  • A long stay (> 4 days)
  • Bad weather and lots of wet clothes

The hostess cannot be held liable for damage to clothing.


You can park your car in the designated places on the site. If the parking lot is full, the host or hostess will show you another place in the yard to park. Guests of La Vita Veluwe have priority for private visits. Parking is only permitted for the duration of the stay at B&B La Vita Veluwe. Parking on site at B&B La Vita Veluwe is at your own risk. B&B La Vita Veluwe is not liable for theft and/or any form of damage.


B&B La Vita Veluwe asks its guests to refrain from being noisy in the accommodation they rent. All music - and any other sound - produced in any way must be at room volume, so that no noise nuisance arises for other guests and local residents and is in any case prohibited from 10 p.m. in the evening to 7 a.m. in the morning. We ask guests to take noise pollution into account on the entrance and terrace. The neighbors in the area are very fond of peace and quiet.


You can place your rubbish in the appropriate waste containers in the kitchen drawer under the sink. You may place empty glassware in the porch, which the host or hostess will clean up for you due to waste separation.


Pets are not allowed in all accommodations at La Vita Veluwe. Upon consultation, a pony or horse can be kept in the meadow. The meadow is surrounded by electric wire. Placing a pony or horse is entirely at your own risk. All damage caused by your horse or pony is the responsibility of the animal's owner. The operator of La Vita Veluwe cannot be held liable in any way for any damage or injury.


At B&B La Vita Veluwe, smoking is prohibited in the accommodations and general areas. You can smoke on the terrace after consultation, provided it does not bother others and does not endanger safety. Smoking at the front of the building is not permitted due to the thatched roof. When smoking, the doors and windows of the accommodation must be closed. The terrace must remain free of cigarette butts. Butts must therefore be left in the designated butt box.

Open fire and/or fireworks/Gourmet food/Fondue

Any form of open fire or fireworks is not permitted for guests of La Vita Veluwe due to the animals and the thatched roof within a radius of 150 meters around the building. Any form of dish involving electrical equipment or open flame is not permitted. Think of Fondue, Gourmetten...etc.

Alcohol and (soft) drugs

Alcohol abuse is prohibited, so enjoy, but drink in moderation. It is strictly prohibited at B&B La Vita Veluwe to possess, use and/or trade drugs. Police are always called.


B&B La Vita Veluwe offers a WIFI guest network. The user will refrain from visiting internet websites that are unlawful in nature or that are inconsistent with the reputation of B&B La Vita Veluwe as a provider of accommodation. In the event of discovery or suspicion of nuisance from third parties and/or (other) internet abuse by the user, B&B La Vita Veluwe has the right to block access to the internet completely or in full without further notice. In the event of a serious and/or repeated violation, B&B La Vita Veluwe has the right to prohibit access to the accommodation in its entirety without any form of refund.


B&B La Vita Veluwe is in no way liable for any form of damage, loss or theft that you have or experience during your stay at B&B La Vita Veluwe.

If damage is caused to the accommodation or its furnishings during your stay, you must inform the host or hostess immediately. This can be done in person or via WhatsApp.

Chamber of Commerce number 910909

VAT no. NL129966356B02